Yes, any work conducted solely is attributed to the author of the work. However, the author cannot exploit the work under the name of TIUD unless approved otherwise. That is, one can, without reference to TIUD, make use of the work conducted for individual purposes. Authors are allowed to upload, submit, and/or post images, text, video, and other forms of data and information, though no work is published prior to the approval of the Editorial Board. By submitting your work:

You affirm, represent, and warrant that you own the work conducted, and grant to TIUD, and anyone authorized by TIUD, to use, display, reference, distribute, reproduce in whole or in part, and modify in any medium and manner, without any restrictions to you, for the sole intended purpose of TIUD and/or services provided.

You acknowledge and consent that the work may be permanently maintained by TIUD, and agree that TIUD is not responsible for, and cannot prevent, the publication or misuse of your work by any third parties who copied your work during the time in which it was published and displayed on the main site.

For submissions that you do not entirely own, you guarantee to TIUD, with reliable evidence that you have the legal right to share the work and that it will not violate any law or the rights of any other individual or entity.

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