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Dr. Mustafa is the Head of IRD at TIU, and an Associate Fellow of the British Academy. He holds a PhD in Ethno-Political Studies from Exeter and an MA from University of London.
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International Relations and Diplomacy
Head of Department
He / Him / His
United Kingdom
Ethno-Political Studies

Knowing the students and starting from their level is a crucial element in teaching. Understanding the students’ needs is the skill of being a teacher. This is quite similar to being a parent. Being a parent is about knowing your children and accepting them, as they are, then working with them; encouraging them to develop their talents. Otherwise, providing only food and drink does not make you a good parent. Similarly, planning a session and attending the classroom, does not make one a good teacher. Being a good teacher is what the students expect.

The teacher’s plan affects the nature of the lesson. For instance, in a politics and/or history-based lesson, I would like my students to build up and articulate a clear and coherent historical narrative, making associations between events, people and institutions, being aware of the forces of cause and effect, and the changes these bring. Sometimes a straightforward teaching technique can be best. I love using illustrations, charts, diagrams and other visual demonstrations to explain relationships. Generally, getting the students ready for real-life and the market equipped with the knowledge and lifelong skills, such as soft skills are the duty of University lecturers.

  • Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations, Soran University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Post Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Exeter, England.
  • Instructor, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, England.
  • Instructor, Middlesex University London, England.
  • Middle East Politics,
  • Kurdish Studies,
  • Nationalism,
  • Islamism,
  • Religious Nationalism,
  • Counter-Terrorism and Security

IRD 305, Religion And Politics

IRD 233, Security And Due Diligence 

BUS 237, World Religions 

IRD 401, Research Methodology 

IRD 332, Political Parties 

IRD 206, Political History Of Iraq 

IRD 404, Middle East Politics 

IRD 238, Ethnic Conflicts 

BUS 237, World Religions

BUS 253, Academic Life and Skills

IRD 401, Research Methodology

IRD 215, Modern Political History of Kurdistan

IRD 305, Religion and Politics

DBT 101, Academic Debate and Cretical Thinking

IRD 206, Political History of Iraq

IRD 404, Middle East Politics

BUS 238, Academic Life and Skills II

IRD 318, Contemporary U.S Foreign Policy 

IRD 116, Civilization History

  • DBT 101, Academic Debate & Critical Thinking I
  • BUS 253, Academic Life and Skills I
  • BUS 353, Academic Research & Writing
  • BUS 123, Ethics in Everyday Life
  • IRD 305, Religion & Politics
  • IRD 401, Research Methodology
  • BUS 238, Academic Life and Skills II
  • IRD 116, Civilisation History
  • IRD 318, Contemporary US Foreign Policy
  • IRD 404, Middle East Politics
  • IRD 206, Political History of Iraq


  • Mustafa, M. (2021). Nationalism and Islamism in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: The Emergence of Kurdistan Islamic Union, Routledge.
  • Mustafa, M. (2000) How to Conduct a Scientific Research (in Kurdish Language), Roshnbeer, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Journal Articles:

  • Mustafa, M. S. (2018). A Year After Referendum, What Does the Future Hold for Iraq’s Kurd? Middle East Eye. September 25.
  • Mustafa, M. S. (2018). Iraqi Kurds Must Unite for their Rights. Middle East Eye. August 28.
  • Mustafa, M. S. (2016). The Trajectory and Current State of Inta-Kurdish Politics in Kurdistan Region, the Role and Influence of Iran and Turkey, Turkish Journal of Security Studies, Vol 18, 1, PP. 95-122.
  • Mustafa, M. S. (2016). Iran’s Role in the Kurdistan Region, Aljazeera Centre for Studies, April, 20.
  • Mustafa, S.M. (2021). Kurdish Diaspora Issues. Eurasian Journal of Management & Social Sciences, 2(1): 78-94.
  • Mustafa, M., (2020). The Kurdish Issue as a Pillar of Peace in the Middle East, 1st Virtual Global Forum of the Faculty of Law, Political Science and Management, Soran University, 19-20 October, Online.
  • Mustafa, M., (2015). The Political Transformation of the Kurdistan Regional Government Between Democratisation and Struggle for Power, 7th International Terrorism and Transnational Symposium, 4-6 December, Antalya, Turkey.
  • مصطفی، م.، (٢٠١٣). ما ينتظره الأضعف من المهاجرين من وزارتهم، المؤتمر الثالث لوزارة الهجرة والمهاجرين العراقیة، ٤-٦ تشرین الأول، لندن، بریطانیا.
  • Mustafa, M., (2012). The Middle East Between the Secular Nationalism and Religious Nationalism, Political Studies Association Graduate Network Conference, University of Oxford, England, 2012.
  • Mustafa, M., (2011). Religious Nationalism in the Middle East: a New Wave, Postgraduate Conference, College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter, England.
  • Kurdish Diaspora Issues
    DOI: 10.23918/ICABEP2021p15

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