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English Language Teaching
Teaching Staff
He / Him / His
Education Building

Learning should bring joy and entertainment to the students. All children are unique. As I had great


lectures in my undergraduate study who helped me to find the soul of an active, creative and an

enthusiastic teacher. I started school when there was no creativity, when students were afraid and

terrified from teachers. So, I want to represent a new form of teachers who loves, helps, develops and

inspires his students. I would love to help and improve my students’ skills and motivate them to achieve


I will provide a safe and comfortable environment where students are invited to share their ideas, take

risks and dream big. Every classroom has their own unique community. My role as teacher will be to

assist and guide each kid in developing their own potential and learning style. I would like to build a safe

and good connection(relationship) with my students, because friends understand each other better.

One of my purposes is to share my ideas and experience with my students. I want to prepare them not

just for academic life, but also for the real world.

My teaching style is based on combination of competency based learning and cooperative learning.

These two magnificent approaches are working for me, because as a teacher in ELT department we are

not only focus on the four language skills. We also want to prepare our students for the outside world.

In my class I mainly use the authentic materials and try to bring realia in the setting. Sharing my ideas

with learner is the basic element in my educational setting. Communicating and making an interactional

class I will ask students question to learn more about them and know their interests. Those approaches

make students to help each other to use and improve their language skills.

I also see that in my class there are different levels of students in language skill. I personally would

respect them and cheer for their language development. I would like to use different and creative

techniques such as games and authentic materials. Using technology is also a good prior in my

classroom to motivate my learners because I am sure that they love to use technology in their


Admin Assistant

  • Multiple Intelligence
  • Cooperative Langugage Learning Strategies
  • ELT
  • Educational Technology
  • Teaching English as a Second Language
  • Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language Educational Management and Leadership
  1. Academic Debate and Critical Thinking I
  2. Academic Debate and Critical Thinking II
  1. Listening and Speaking I
  2. Listening and Speaking II
  3. 21st Century Education 
  1. Hussein Hakeem Barzani, Sami and Hasko Azeez Barzani, Israa and Sabah Meena, Reman (2022) Investigating Kurdish EFL Students’ Attitudes towards the Use of Authentic Materials in Learning English. Canadian Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 2 (1).
  2. Abubakr Ahmed, Mohammed and Sabah Meena, Reman (2022) The Students' Attitude on Using Social Network Site (SNS) in their Academic Life in University. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 14 (2).
  3. Ahmad, Rawand and Sabah Meena, Reman (2021) Assessing the Level of Students' Exposure to English Language in ELT Department at Tishk International University-Erbil, Iraq. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11 (5). pp. 2919-2929.
  4. Hussein Hakeem Barzani, Sami and Ahmad, Rawand and Sabah Meena, Reman and Fouad Ali, Hewa (2021) Common Problems in Translation of Political Texts: The Case of English and Kurdish Languages. Canadian Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 1 (2).
  5. Hussein Hakeem Barzani, Sami and Sabah Meena, Reman and Fouad Ali, Hewa (2021) Integration of Literature in English Language Teaching: Learners’ Attitudes and Opinions. Canadian Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 1 (1).
  6. Meena, R. S. (2020). The effect of cooperative learning strategies in the enhancement of EFL learners’ speaking skills. Asian EFL Journal Research Articles, 27.


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